

Friday, June 6, 2014

Cy is TWO!!!!!

Cy's 2nd Birthday Party

So we decided to do a car themed (not Disney) birthday party for Cy. I had so many ideas, but his birthday always sneaks up on me, so I didn't get to all of them. I did get my favorite idea accomplished though. We made a motor Speedway in the back yard, and cars that all the kids could wear. I am super proud of how it turned out.
Birthday Boy at his party
They played with the track for a couple days after the party. I think its something I would do again for fun. I bought a bunch of boxes from home depot for $.74 each and then solid wrapping paper (I could not find red anywhere). I wrapped the boxes best I could (not as easy as a thought that part would be) and then hot glued circles for wheels and head lights.

You can see I made a paper plate into a steering wheel with a paper fastener so it could spin. It was several trial and error runs to find out where to put the ribbon but I ended up punching a hole for the ribbon to go through and then tying a knot in the back to secure the ribbon to the box.

Evie is doing a test run for me. For the road I used Week Block and yellow duck tape. We secured it to the ground with camping stakes .
I also forgot to get picture until after the party was over but I made a sign for above the food and put black table clothes with yellow duck tape out too. Sorry they aren't the best pictrures.

Then we partied...

Evie and Kynzie


Birthday Cake
Party over. Simple but fun! Party planning break until November:)

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Quilting hexagons

Baby Quilt

A special little man will soon be entering the world as our nephew and I really wanted to make him a quilt that was different than just my usual squares. I had come across a quilt made out of large hexagons and was convinced that I could do it. Turns out.... it was even easier than I thought. I had to share it because I am soooooo proud of it.

I started with some scrap fabric and did a trial run with a couple of hexagons to see if it would work like I thought. I cut a hexagon from some paper and used it as a template to get my hexagons cut.
I thought it looked perfect so I found the cutest fabric by Michael Miller and started my masterpiece.

You can see the drawing I made with a key so that I knew how many pieces to cut and I could get that all out of the way. I ended up folding my hexagon template in half and measuring the height of it. Then I cut strips of fabric out and just used the template to cut the angles of the "half hexagons" (Trapezoids, you can see above how they are sewn together to make a hexagon) I just sewed each row of trapezoids and slowly it all came together to make a bunch of hexagons.
Finished with the front, it looked like this.

Adding the batting together proved difficult when having two toddlers. They always make this interesting :)
I decided to sew in the ditch so there would be an easy pattern to follow and a great design on the back.

Then I finished with a solid binding and I was so pleased with how it turned out! Cannot wait to see out little nephew on it:).

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Evie is Three!!!!

Evie's Ice Cream Parlor

We have a three year old!!! What!?!? So this was the BEST party yet. She was so excited about inviting her friends to celebrate with her, although, I'm not sure she realized what we were celebrating. We made the mistake of telling Evelyn about her party the week before, so all week she kept asking if today was the day she could eat her ice cream. I guess this built up the anticipation for the big day. I had to try not to get carried away with party planning, this is just WAY too fun for me. My sweet friend let me borrow her Cricut which may have been a mistake, I added at least three more projects after I learned how to use this amazing machine! We decided on an Ice cream theme this year.

This may be the last party I get a say in as far as theme goes and she may be my only girl we have so I ran with the pastel parlor.

DIY ice cream cones! LOVE
 Here is the link to DIY ice cream cones. Pretty easy and soooooo cute.

So this was the original reason I borrowed the Cricut.

This is still hanging in our dining room. :)

Mom (Lady) sent ice cream dishes made out of dish towels to use as decor, which went perfectly!

I had planned on making the chocolate ganache but I ended up doing an almond bark topping because it was faster.

So these were our party favors for the kids. Jama and I each had a bowl growing up (which we still have) and I couldn't believe they still sell them!

PAPER GARLAND!!! Why have I planned so many parties and never made paper garland.  (The actual Ice cream is missing from the center of the table... didn't want a melting situation)
 This is where I found instructions but the possibilities are endless for your garland. Paper Garland DIY

So that's party preparation, and then all that was left to do was party!!!
I love Steve's face in this one:)

Evie stayed close to Grandpa George!

Notice the carpet:) I made cones out of poster board and had the kids catch the balloons "ice cream scoops" in their cone.

Evelyn's best gift! Grandma Evelyn and Grandpa George came to the party on their way to Penn from Florida.

Evelyn also got to experience her first circus.

We finished our Weekend Birthday Celebration with pancakes for dinner. Daddy had some help.

We really enjoy celebrating our children's birthday's. We are sooooo thankful that God has allowed us the privilege of being the parents to all 3 of our kiddos. Stephen and I especially enjoyed taking Evelyn out while the boys stayed with a sweet friend so we could give her our undivided attention. Three very sweet years, so much has happened. She has acquired two little brothers in those three short years and mastered the art of big sister. Happy birthday beautiful lady! We love you.:)