We are well into the second trimester of baby ding #3. We are excited and nervous. Steve and I got to see the baby on our second trimester ultrasound a couple weeks ago. It was such a relief to see sweet little baby arms, legs, toes.... etc. We did find out that with this pregnancy we have placenta previa. I have done too much googling since finding out and have myself even more nervous about the pregnancy. We were encouraged that the location of the placenta puts us in a low risk of c-section but we do have another ultrasound at 28 weeks to see if the placenta has migrated upward or if it is blocking the cervix, forcing us into an early cesarean delivery. We trust God and know that He is sovereign. We continue to ask Him the desires of our hearts which would be a healthy delivery (hopefully not by c-section). :) Please pray with us for the safety of our baby and a normal placenta location by our next ultrasound.
On a lighter note... we have kept our our original decision to not find out the gender of our new addition. We do, however enjoy guessing about whether or not it is Gage or Elsee. Below is a nineteen week comparison.
The far left is Cy's pregnancy and the far right is Evie's pregnancy at 19 weeks, to be compared to the center photo, which is baby #3. I personally think that it is looks more like Cy's, what do y'all think? Do you think the baby looks low or high? Guesses are welcome:)
This was 20 weeks.... I have yet to take a picture this week and will already be 22 weeks on Wednesday. We have a lot to look forward to between now and November but I find myself getting antsy to meet this new member of our family! Over the half way mark... :)
Looks like Cy's pregnant to me, but I don't even think you had a belly with Evie at 20 weeks ;) Looks like you're carrying high too. I had placenta previa with Sophie, and the placenta moved out of the way- praying yours does as well! My doctor said that it normally does. It's a bummer though because then you can't feel them move as much!